Superhero of the Month

January 2023 Superhero: Denise Winslow

Meet our Superhero of the Month for January: Denise Winslow! Denise Winslow is a bright light at Mo-Mentum.  She’s an incredible example of perception, participation

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Strong Living

What is a Sound Bath?

by Amanda Mittleman, M.S. One of my favorite books of all time was unexpected.  It was assigned as an “optional” reading by my professor for

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Superhero of the Month

February 2023 Superhero: Kathy MacDonald

Meet our Superhero of the Month for February: Kathy MacDonald! I’m so excited to introduce you to Kathy MacDonald—affectionately known around Mo-Mentum Fitness as “K-Mac”—our

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During your strategy session you’ll share your goals with us and tell us about any pain you’ve been experiencing and/or injuries you’re recovering from so we can design and find the best program for you to reach your goals.