Superhero of the Month – Michelle Jean
We are soooo proud to announce our SUPERHERO of the month for July, Michelle Jean! Team-Mo, together, chooses a superhero of the month every month. Our superhero of the month is someone who inspires us and our tribe. He or she has overcome obstacles, shows up with courage to life every day and one who has decided to walk through fears in order to live an EXTRAORDINARY LIFE. Michelle Jean was, hands down, an easy choice!
Michelle heard about Mo-Mentum Fitness from her friend Shari Bathurst. She tried a class in July of 2016 and then signed up for our Fit After 40 Program and she’s been a Mo-Mentum girl ever since!
Like many women and men who start at a new gym, Michelle was very nervous for her first class. Instead of letting fear control her, Michelle walked through our doors. We forget too often that courage is taking action despite fear and without fear, the word “courage” would not exist. Changing your life is an inside to outside job. Today our culture tends to get it all backwards, believing that we need to find the quick fix solution to getting a “perfect body” so that we can feel happy. The opposite is true. Getting in shape, getting tone, losing, 10, 50 or 1o0 (or more) pounds, loving your body again, and feeling comfortable in your favorite jeans again are mile stones along the way that happen BECAUSE you are taking care of your body, mind and spirit. Living courageously, inspired and “going the Grave on empty!” (Thanks @BuffGandhi) can only happen when you take action despite feeling afraid. Michelle is doing this now.
Over the past year Michelle has taken 259 classes and competed in two Fat Loss Challenges. During the Spring Challenge she was the 3rd place individual winner for most inches and percent fat lost! Michelle shows up on the days she doesn’t want to come, and believe me, we ALLLLL have those days. Can you relate? Michelle’s (consistency) dedication, determination and drive have more than paid off. During her last doctors visit, she realized that she had lost over 40 pounds and to top that off, all her blood work came back normal.
If you are struggling to get back to the gym, to start exercising or to move past a plateau in your life, Michelle Jean is a beautiful example of the gifts that follow taking action every day to create an extraordinary life!
Thank you for being our superhero of the month Michelle; you are truly a Superhero!
Q & A
Describe what your life (and your health) was like before fitness.
In addition to being a mom, wife, (extended) family member and friend, my life pretty much consisted of going to work (I am a hair stylist) and being exhausted when I got home from standing on my feet all day. I was dealing with pain in my feet and just overall tiredness. I didn’t have any immediate health issues, but my blood pressure had been elevated at a doctor’s appointment.
Was there ever a low point or an experience that made your priorities change?
There were several things that made me realize that I had to take control of my health and fitness. Many too painful to put down on paper (I’ll save that to share at a future time.)
How did fitness come into your life (or back into your life)?
My friend Shari Bathurst was a member of Mo-Mentum. Through her, I had seen on FB an ad for the Mo-Mentum Fitness “Fit after 40” challenge. I was interested and I had known Amanda years before through a co-worker, so I felt a little more comfortable going in to Mo-Mentum.
What kind of results have you seen since starting a regular fitness program?
I have been going to group fitness classes and small group training sessions 5 – 6 days per week since the December Gala. I have more energy and my overall attitude is so much better. I have made friends at Mo-Mentum that I look forward to seeing every day! I have had so much support and encouragement from my friends and family on this journey. I feel so blessed!
Please talk more about the actual changes in your life? (weight loss, confidence, more endurance, less medications etc).
I have lost close to 40 pounds and I can do so much more in the classes than when I started. When I started, I told Amanda that I had many physical limitations but I probably had more mental limitations holding me back. I have not had any ailments that required medications, but I feel that it was just a matter of time. I had a physical in January after joining Mo-Mentum and all of my blood tests came back great and my slightly elevated blood pressure was completely in the normal range. My doctor was very pleased to say the least.
What kind of changes have you seen there? What do these changes mean for your lifestyle, longevity, finances, etc.
I have seen so many changes since joining Mo-Mentum! I have really enjoyed being more active. I really miss it if I don’t make it to a class. I have been able to do so much more in the classes. Initially, I would simply say, “I can’t do that.” Now, I more often say, “I’ll try!”. On Mother’s day this year, my son asked if I wanted to go to brunch and I said, “Let’s go on a hike!”. We hiked as a family and then enjoyed a breakfast together. It was an awesome day!
Why do you make fitness a priority in your life?
I love how I feel now versus when I started. I don’t ever want to go back! I love when I am able to do something I haven’t been able to do in the past. I feel stronger every day!
These days, what makes you truly happy and feel at peace?
Honestly, when my husband and kids are happy and healthy, all is well with me. : )
How do you feel compared to 1 year ago?
I feel so much more alive than I did a year ago. I have always been able to put on a happy face, but now I really feel it inside. I have a long way to go on my fitness journey but I know I will continue with Mo-Mentum Fitness!
Specifics: age? job title? children? spouse?
I am 52 years old, I am a hairstylist, I have 2 children, Kyle 26, and Alex 21. My husband Frank and I have been married for 31 years.