For the first time ever in Mo-Mentum Fitness history, we are excited to award Superhero Status to Vance DeBrabander. This amazing athlete recently competed in a Legendary and took 2nd place. He also is a great role model to the other mini-Ninjas at Mo-Mentum and all the kids look up to him. Take a minute to read our interview with Vance; you’ll soon realize that he is wise beyond his 12 years!
Q & A
How long have you worked out at Mo-Mentum Fitness?
I have been working out at Mo-Mentum since 2015.
Why did you start working out with Mo-Mentum Fitness?
I started working out here with my Mom when she signed me up for the Mini-Ninja program.
How has working out with Mo-Mentum Fitness impacted your life?
Working out at Mo-Mentum has made me see myself as a confident athlete rather than a skinny kid.
What is your advice for a healthy life?
In order to lead a healthy life, you must eat well but also have a balance of having fun. You must exercise regularly to make sure that food doesn’t turn to fat.
What is your favorite healthy snack?
I love bell peppers because of their rich flavor.
What health/fitness goal are you most proud of achieving?
I am most proud of competing in my first cross fit competition, the NLI Classic.
How has working out helped you in other areas of life?
Working out has allowed me to complete more tasks and become more successful in sports.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Going to Mo-Mentum has helped me get off the couch and become more active!Congrats, Vance. You are definitely Superhero material!