March 2021 Superhero

Meet our Superhero of the Month for March: Karen Klem!

Karen Klem began training with me (Amanda) in June 2020, when we were allowed to open for the first time since the COVID-19 lockdown.  I had actually met Karen at a talk I gave.  I talked to her after my talk, and I knew then she would fit right in here at Mo-Mentum.

If you’ve been in a group fitness class with Karen, you know her.  She’s the fun one whooping from the corner.  She has a sparkle in her eye, and you can tell she loves upbeat music and maybe even some songs with the word Tequila in them!

Knowing Karen now, you might think her life has been carefree but Karen is a Wonder Woman.  She’s a bad ass and an overcomer!

Karen is a breast cancer survivor.  And when I met her in January 2020, she was recovering from knee surgery.  When Karen started training with me, she shared that she knew working out was vital for the quality of her life.  She had started exercise programs but not stuck with them for one reason or another.  Karen shared (and it was obvious) that she liked working out, but like most of us she needed motivation to show up on the days when her list was long and not completed, the days she felt drained after work, the days when life overwhelmed.  Karen isn’t alone.

We all experience these same thoughts, and they can keep us from doing the very thing that will actually help our mind, body and spirit.

Take a few minutes and read Karen’s story. She is an ABSOLUTE inspiration!  Her story will make your day better AND if you haven’t met her yet, make sure to introduce yourself to her…. she WILL ABSOLUTELY BRIGHTEN YOU DAY.

Karen, you are a bright light in this world, and I am grateful to have you as a friend and part of Mo-Tribe!

Keep moving forward toward your goals, you are inspiring people you aren’t even aware of both within the walls of Mo-Mentum and way beyond!  We love you girl!

A few words from our Superhero herself…

Specifics: age, job title, children, partner?

I’ll turn 58 in March. I’m a Customer Service Manager. I have 5 amazing nieces and a stepson I’m very close with.

Describe what your life (and your health) was like before fitness.

I’ve been “semi-active” much of my life in a variety of ways. Swimming in high school, regular gym attendance, mountain biking, hiking. My fitness was usually tied to having someone to work out with. If they dropped out of the picture, my fitness suffered as a result.  I was not self-motivated to continue my routine without someone to be accountable to.

Was there ever a low point or an experience that made your priorities change?

The experience that changed my priorities was my breast cancer diagnosis and treatments.  It mentally zapped me to a dark place which unfortunately continued as life piled other things on top of that fight and continued after my treatments ended. I became sedentary and lost my motivation

What kind of results have you seen since starting a regular fitness program?

Fitness came back into my life when I walked in to Momentum in June. I met Amanda at an event in January and was motivated by her message. It took me months and a pandemic to finally, truly decide I needed to do something. The “fighter” in me started to emerge again. Once I walked in and met with Amanda that day in June, I was “IN”. I committed to myself that for 6 months I’d give Momentum a try.

Let’s focus on the blood work. What kind of changes have you seen there? What do these changes mean for your lifestyle, longevity, etc.?

First and foremost my mood is improved. That’s not the first thing I expected to notice, but being around the positivity motivates me more than the physical benefits. In the past the mental aspect was never a part of my “workout routine” I’ve also started seeing some physical changes. Higher energy, some weight loss, more definition in my body, strength.

Why do you make fitness a priority in your life?

Fitness is a priority in my life now because of the mental benefits I get. With everything going on in the world I need a stress reducer and this is the healthiest outlet I know.

These days, what makes truly happy and feel at peace?

I feel most happy and at peace when someone recognizes the hard work I am putting in and notices the light coming back into my eyes. Peace comes when I sink into my bed at night knowing I completed a tough workout and I’ll be back at it tomorrow.

How do you feel compared to 1 year ago?

I’ve been at Momentum for about 8 months now and I’m feeling stronger and healthier.

Team Mo and I choose our SUPERHERO OF THE MONTH based on several important factors that we believe reflect the values on which the Mo-Mentum Fitness world-class culture has been built upon.

Mo-Mentum’s Core Values Include:

· Mindset for growth, constant never-ending learning – if you’re not growing, you’re shrinking.

· Over-deliver on all we do.

· Tribe – we all need a supportive and inspiring tribe, people we can be ourselves around and who nudge us to be one percent better every day.

· Transparency – We believe in honesty with ourselves and with others of course.

· Vitality – We believe in living vibrantly and living all out with courage and passion.


Amanda and Team Mo

Picture of Amanda Mittleman

Amanda Mittleman

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