Humans need other humans!
For thousands of years, humans have been tribal beings. We need a tribe to support us in our endeavors. It’s in our DNA. Setting a goal to lose fat and get healthier is hard enough to do it by yourself, let alone being surrounded by friends or co-workers that are constantly tempting you to break your new habits. There are numerous studies showing people who have solid support systems reach their goals at dramatically higher rates than those who try to achieve goals alone. This is especially true when those goals are health and fitness related.
Whose in your tribe? Being part of a tribe that is striving towards similar goals has been one of the most significant reasons for our most successful clients achieving such amazing fat loss results.
As part of our New Year, New You Challenge, each person is assigned to a trainer and team who will support you in your goals.
Meet the trainers for the 2017 New Year, New You Transformational Challenge:
Today……..take the big leap and sign up NOW for the 2017 New Year New You Transformational challenge!
The New Year, New You Transformational Challenge includes:
✔ Support – Daily online support through private FB Community and e-mails to keep you focused
✔ Convenience – Unlimited sessions at Mo-Mentum Fitness over the 6-week Challenge
✔ Results – Lose unwanted pounds and inches!
✔ Nutrition – Learn how to maximize nutrition for fat loss without feeling deprived!
✔ Transformation – Build sustainable healthy habits and crush the old destructive habits
✔ Fun – Laugh, dance, and have fun with the tribe at Mo-Mentum. Participating in the New Year Challenge will be the highlight of your day!
As always, our 6 Week Transformation Challenge is open to everyone:
- Men and Women
- All Fitness Levels
- People with chronic pain or injuries
- Returning Clients
Even if you trained with us in the past but could not stay on with us at the time. We’d love to help you start your new year!