Monday Challenge: A Random Act of Kindness

In honor of World Kindness Day on November 13th, this week’s challenge will be to spread a little love with those around you!  

“Random acts of kindness are a means by which we make a deliberate attempt to brighten another person’s day by doing something thoughtful, nice, and caring. Kindness is a way of showing others that they count and that, even in the face of hostility and selfishness, you’re making a stand for kindness.” (  

This week, your challenge is to perform at LEAST one random act of kindness every day this week!   

It could be doing a favor for someone, helping the environment, etc.  Here are a few great ideas:  

  • Let somebody in line ahead of you…or even pay for their groceries!  
  • Smile to a random person walking by and say hello 
  • Write a note and say thank you on your receipt at a restaurant 
  • Hold the door open for others 
  • Cook a meal for someone  
  • Write a handwritten thank you note  
  • Make a donation to your favorite charity  
  • Pay for the person’s toll behind you 
  • Adopt a pet from a local shelter  
  • Bring someone flowers 
  • The list goes on and on!   

There are thousands of random acts of kindness that’ll boost happiness.  

Are you IN for the Challenge and performing daily random acts of kindness!?   

Picture of Amanda Mittleman

Amanda Mittleman

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