November Superhero of the Month

Superhero of the Month –
Desiree Gooch

Congratulations Desiree! You are definitely a superhero!

Team Mo and I chose our SUPER HERO OF THE MONTH based on several important factors that we believe reflect the values on which the Mo-Mentum Fitness world-class culture has been built upon. 

Mo-Mentum’s Core Values include:

  • Mindset for Growth, constant never ending learning….if you’re not growing you’re shrinking
  • Over deliveron all we do
  • Tribewe all need an incredible tribe!We are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.
  • TransparencyWe believe in honesty and being transparent
  • Vitality- we believe in living vibrantly and all out

Desiree Gooch, also known a “Gooch,” is a quiet warrior.   Gooch is one of Mo-Mentum’s most regular attendees!  She shows up to her workouts with a smile on her face and determination in her eyes.  She is determined even on the days she didn’t want to get out of bed.  As easy as this sounds, it’s not.  But showing up regularly is the key to transforming your life.  The funny thing is, once you get here, the battle is done.

Gooch is the undeniable Super Hero of November because she lives exemplifies living an extraordinary life!  She lives with VITALTIY!  She is strong, inspirational, inspired, she takes care of herself and others she loves, she’s always traveling and doing something interesting with her time and she brightens up the room when she  walks in our door!  We sooo adore you Gooch!  Thank you for inspiring us!


Lean In To Your Dreams!

Q & A

Meet Desiree, Mo-Mentum Fitness’s Superhero of  November! She definitely is a superhero!

Describe what your life (and your health) was like before fitness

“I’ve always had some sort of fitness in my life. Growing up with 6 brothers, we were always playing basketball, volleyball, badminton, riding bikes, or some sort of activity. In high school I played a few sports, and since then I’ve always had an active lifestyle, but what I lacked was paying better attention to my eating habits. “ 

Was there ever a low point or an experience that made your priorities change

“Hmmm…. I can’t think of one in particular….I just think I need to do something when I see a picture of myself or I don’t fit into certain clothes.”

What kind of results have you seen since starting a regular fitness program?

“The fitness program I was doing for a few years before joining Mo-Mentum was not challenging me, but I kept going because it was more about the social aspect that I enjoyed. Since Mo-Mentum, I feel healthier and stronger, I even feel I have improved posture (not that I thought it was bad before). The bonus is a terrific social aspect too!”

Please talk more about the actual changes in your life?

“I’m more conscious of my eating (and drinking) habits and how it impacts my health.”

Let’s focus in on the blood work. What kind of changes have you seen there? What do these changes mean for you lifestyle, longevity, finances, etc.?

“I was taking a low dosage of cholesterol medication.  When I went in for my annual physical in July, my Doctor said I’m good. Don’t need to take it any more.”

  Why do you make fitness a priority in your life?

“I feel good!  When I don’t get some fitness in, I don’t get that happy feeling! In addition, I want to lead a healthy life long into the future. My mom has osteoarthritis in her knees and she struggles with the pain. I’m grateful to help her, and I don’t want to get to the situation she is in.”

These days, what makes you truly happy and feel at peace?

“Spending time with family and friends!”



I’m 58, retired from the City of Long Beach, no kids, married to my husband Dan for 21 years.

Picture of Amanda Mittleman

Amanda Mittleman

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