Why You Are Still Struggling To Lose Fat

You’ve gained fat around your middle.  You know you need to start a workout program, but you read last

Are you wondering why you have tried every diet and still struggle to lose weight?

week that diet is four times more important for losing weight than exercise.  So does this mean you shouldn’t exercise?  You’ve lost the same ten pounds over and over again, but somehow managed to gain all of the weight back plus two or more extra pounds.  You’ve cut your calories, you’ve exercised, you’ve even done a three or seven-day cleanse or two, but the fat somehow manages to show up to work with you on Monday morning.  I know this story very well.  You’re not alone; I hear varied versions of this story on a daily basis.  It’s not just women who struggle with dropping that extra ten or twenty pounds either.  I am asked on a daily basis, for the best food plan and exercise plan to lose weight.  And this is outside of the gym.

Picture of Amanda Mittleman

Amanda Mittleman

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